Tampa Catholic High School

The goal of Central Catholic Aftercare is to care for your child in a warm and secure environment and to provide a happy and worthwhile time for both child and family. 

Following are the information and guidelines regarding Central Catholic's  Aftercare Program.

Central Catholic Elementary School provides optional after care for registered students, Pre-K3 - Grade 5, from dismissal until 5:30 p.m. each school day.


*  As members of a Christian and caring community, the children will be expected to respect the staff, each other, and the materials and environment provided. They must never leave the building or grounds without explicit permission of the staff. Such permission will only be granted by order of the parent or guardian.

*  The students are also expected to abide by THE CODE OF STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES, as found in the Parent-Student Handbook. This code is also posted in each classroom and reviewed with the students periodically.



* With the children’s safety and well-being in mind, it is MOST important that the parent fill out a special emergency card, and then adhere to the instructions given.

* Parents should not take children from the school yard or other areas without notifying the Aftercare Program staff and signing the child out.

* Parents or guardians should not send persons whose signatures are not on the emergency card to ask for the release of children. For the child’s safety, the release will not be granted.



* Additional areas of parental responsibility are in the matter of prompt fee payment, and prompt pickup in the late afternoon.

* Payment for students attending on a regular basis is due at the end of each week (exceptions must be checked out with the principal.)

* Payment for students attending on a part time basis is due on the day service is rendered.

* If a parent or guardian fails to meet the Aftercare fee and does not make adequate arrangements with the director, the child will not be allowed to continue in the program.

* Staff members are employed until 5:30 p.m. It is only common courtesy to respect the time of closure


*  A substantial fee will be assessed for late pickups if the director ascertains that a late pick-up, or a history of late pick-ups, occurs without justifiable cause.

* Upon pick-up, please call 985-498-8828 for your child to be brought to the front gate.



* In cases in which an accident or illness appears to be of a minor nature, First Aid will be administered on the premises. (Medication will not be administered by mouth unless both a written statement from a physician detailing method, amount, and time schedule, AND a written statement from parent authorizing the staff to assist a child in taking such medication are on file.)

* In cases in which illness or accident appear serious, the director will make an effort to carry out the instructions as given on the emergency card.

* Parents who do not wish their child treated in any way should indicate such on the emergency card, and should give directions to be followed in the space, “Special Instructions”.

* Parents will be expected to make provisions for taking sick children home. The program does not have facilities for transportation of children.

* If the home does not supply adequate emergency instructions, or if the instructions given cannot be followed at the time of the emergency, the program staff will act according to their best judgement for the welfare of the child.



* Each day a specific homework period is scheduled. It is the child’s responsibility to acknowledge his/her assignment and then to use the resources available. The Aftercare staff has no way of knowing what work, if any, has been assigned to which students.


Payment is due weekly on Fridays. If payment is not received by the following week of attending, the student will not be allowed to attend until full payment is received.

Daily Rates:

Bell-4:00 4:01-4:30 4:31-5:00 5:01-5:30
1 child $4.00 $6.00 $8.00 $10.00
2 children $5.00 $7.50 $10.00 $12.50
3 children $6.00 $9.00 $12.00 $15.00
4 children $7.00 $10.50 $14.00 $17.50

3) A $20.00 Late Fee will be assessed after 5:30 PM.

A group of young girls in red uniforms are holding up drawings
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