Tampa Catholic High School

Student life at Central Catholic is rich in spirituality, academics, extra-curricular activities and much more! Students at Central Catholic are expected to operate at higher-than-average levels in all aspects of life- spiritual, personal, and inter-personal. Each student is encouraged to work daily on a deeper relationship with God. In that deeper relationship with the Lord, all things are possible.

A group of cheerleaders are lined up on a gym floor
  • A person of faith: One who is committed to spreading and following the message of Jesus Christ by being moral, well-mannered, merciful, and humble; one who has the courage to stand up for his/her own faith, but also has the understanding to accept those of other faiths; one who practices his/her own faith whenever possible for his/her personal fulfillment and to be an example to others; one who has knowledge and understanding of the truths and doctrines of the Catholic faith.

  • A person of education: One who recognizes the importance of learning and knowledge and strives to be academically fit by always doing the best he/she can; one who is willing to learn throughout his/her life, including knowledge, skills, ideas, opinions, and dreams; one who will be willing to stand alone for what is right.

  • A person of change: One who is open to different perspectives of situations and understanding of the ideas, opinions, and problems of others; one who is respectful of others and their contributions, especially adults and authority, but does not let his/her independence and self-confidence be compromised by others trying to run his/her life.

  • A person who cooperates:  One who is willing to work with others in all capacities and recognize the important points of each situation; be sensitive, trustworthy, loyal, community-minded, respectful, and helpful whenever possible.

  • A person who leads:  One who is a well-rounded school member who has the vision and drive to motivate others; one who has a positive outlook and the courage to take charge when no one else wants to; the leader should act in a respectful manner; a person who practices his/her faith.

  • A good person:  One who is involved to the limit that he/she can be creative, capable, respectful, friendly, shows pride in his/her school, and reasonably handles life’s challenges; one who understands Catholic social teaching sand his/her awareness of service action.
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