Tampa Catholic High School


Central Catholic students attend Mass every week of the school year, with few exceptions.

  • Mass for Pre-K3 to grade 5 is celebrated on Wednesdays at 8:00 AM at Holy Cross Church.

  • Mass for grades 6 to 12 is celebrated on Thursdays at 9:10 AM at Holy Cross Church.

Each week, a different grade or sports team/club leads the Mass by performing the Readings, bringing up the Offertory Gifts and reading the Prayers of the Faithful. A student choir provides music for each Mass. Students also perform the roles of alter servers and ushers at school Masses.

Parents and grandparents are invited to join us at our school Masses each week!


To more fully develop a firmly-rooted Catholic faith, there are many spiritual activities that take place throughout the school year.

  • School Blessing at the beginning of each semester
  • Blessing of Football field and Gym courts
  • Adoration and Confession
  • Living Rosary in Lawrence Park
  • Way of the Cross (during Lent)
  • Class retreats
  • Prayer Walks
  • Day of Service (Grades 6 to 12)
  • Service Projects
  • Canned Food Drive (Thanksgiving)
  • Feed My Lambs (Lent)
  • Operation Lent
  • Coat Drive (December)
  • World "Draw God" Day (Pre-K3 to grade 5)


Apostolic hours

"Amen, I say to  you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me."         Matthew 25:40

Central Catholic students in grades 6 to 12 participate in a Service Hour (Apolstolic Hours) program as a part of their Religion/Theology classes. The Service Program is a basic part of the school's philosophy that fosters a life of service and witness to the message of the Word of God. By volunteering their energies and talents to the people of our community, students contribute in a meaningful manner to the betterment of the world and to the growth of Christian ladies and young men. in service to others. 

Each grade level must complete a minimum number of service hours each quarter.

Grade Level TOTAL Hours Required 1st Q 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q
12 10 Box of Joy Day of Service 5 5
11 10 Box of Joy Day of Service 5 5
10 10 Box of Joy Day of Service 5 5
9 10 Box of Joy Day of Service 5 5
8 5 Box of Joy Day of Service 0 5
7 5 Box of Joy Day of Service 0 5
6 5 Box of Joy Day of Service 0 5
  1. Box of Joy completed in Religion classes
  2. Day of Service: October 11
  3. Each student is required to have a minimum of 1 hour in each category (Church, School, and Community).
  4. Each quarter, Service Hours are worth 100 points in Religion/Theology class.
A list of acceptable service hours and unacceptable service hours
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